WARNING: According to a Victorian Smoking and Health Survey, it reported the smoking rate among Victorian adults (aged 18 years and over) was 10.7%

Due to the threat of COVID-19, a smoker is much more vulnerable now as the disease may cause breathing difficulty, pneumonia and other severe acute respiratory conditions such as ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome). Therefore: It’s time to ACT NOW with Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne Program.

Very High Stop-Smoking Success Rated for Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne

90% of smokers say they want to quit!

Revealed: “The Truth Is, You Can Easily Quit Smoking with the Power of  Hypnosis”

Announcing, An Affordable & Highly Effective Hypnotherapy Melbourne Solution…

…for YOU to Stop Smoking Forever!

From: Marco Auciello (Melbourne Hypnotherapist)
Melbourne Cognitive Hypnotherapy


Dear Reader,

Do you seriously want to quit smoking in Melbourne?

If you really do then are you…

  • Tired of your repeated failed attempts to quit smoking
  • Ready to live your life in a much healthier way?
  • Upset that you give away your precious money for a deadly product?
  • Want to live long enough to be around for your grandchildren?

Smoking is a very difficult habit to break!

And as you know, you will very often associate smoking with other activities in your life, which then makes it even more difficult to break the habit.

  • Firstly, you smoke at social events
  • Secondly, you smoke when you’re angry or stressed
  • Thirdly, you smoke after eating your meals
  • Fourthly, You smoke while drinking coffee or alcohol
  • Then, You smoke after your lunch and during your work-breaks

Did you know that your habit of smoking is very much PSYCHOLOGICAL?

Nicotine gives you a quick and exhilarating high, which is why it is so incredibly addictive. When you attempt to stop, your body experiences some serious cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Quitting is difficult but you are not alone…

Why Millions Struggle To Quit Smoking

Each year, millions of men and women of all age groups, really struggle to quit smoking.

Sadly, most fail.

My advice is… don’t waste any more of your precious time researching solutions to help you stop smoking.

And, don’t waste your time and money on nicotine patches, nicotine gums, prescriptions with side effects, and that old-fashioned will power.

None of them work effectively and none of them will ever provide you with a long-term solution.

Most people fail with those methods, simply because they don’t address the smoker’s psychology, conditioning, and thinking patterns.

Let’s take a look at a typical example…

More than 56 Years Smoking Habit…BROKEN!

Dennis had been smoking 1 packet of cigarettes a day for more than 56 YEARS!

He had tried many of the usual methods to quit before, such as Patches, Champix,

…and of course… Willpower.

After many unsuccessful attempts, he recently came in to see me.

A week later, I called him on the phone, just to check up on him and to see how it was going.

And, here’s what he said, after completing my stop smoking hypnosis program…

“When I left, I felt good, I thought to myself, was that all there is to it? In the car, I used to smoke heavily but now I don’t even think about it. Having a cigarette was something that I used to do all the time, now I forget all about it. I don’t even want one.”

He added…

“I feel fine. It seems to have left my mind. Already I am starting to feel better in myself. More relaxed, as I got a lot out of it. I am doing very well. Somebody else had recommended it to me. The same thing that happened to her has now happened to me. I recommend this to anybody.”


It just goes to show…

No Matter How Long You’ve Been Smoking… Quitting Smoking Doesn’t Have To Be Torture!

As a smoker, you need a solution that will REALLY help you quit smoking, once and for all.

And to be honest, you really don’t want to be using ineffective and potentially dangerous…

  • Nicotine patches
  • Nicotine gums
  • Prescription drugs

The worse thing about nicotine patches and gums, is that you never really get over your nicotine addiction. It’s just put on hold, suppressed for a while…

What you are actually doing is simply replacing cigarettes with a nicotine substitute, which can still put you at risk of lung cancer or cardiovascular disease!

What you really need is a GUARANTEED solution to STOP SMOKING WITHOUT WITHDRAWALS and without the cravings.

Quitting smoking CAN BE easy once you know how.

And, you can stop smoking without gaining weight, without the cravings, and without withdrawals… using my tried, tested and proven quit smoking hypnosis program.

Very High Stop-Smoking Success Rated for Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne

How My Specially Developed, Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne Program Can Help You…

It’s time to Stop Smoking NOW!


I’m a professional Melbourne hypnotherapist who has helped thousands of people over many years now. Thousands of people have come to me for help to quit smoking.

I help them break their habit, and tap into their subconscious to reveal their full potential.

Like them, I can help you become smoke-free using a quit smoking hypnosis formula that has been proven to work… every time.

You can easily change the way you think, feel, and behave when it comes to smoking.

My 100% promise to you is… You can become a non-smoker, once-and-for-all.

Reprogramming Your Mind To Become A Non-Smoker

My quit smoking hypnosis Melbourne program gets to the real problem that is so often ignored and not considered when you use…

  • Nicotine patches
  • Nicotine gum
  • Prescription drugs
  • Will-power alone

With my highly effective quit smoking hypnosis Melbourne method, you’ll dissolve all thoughts and limiting beliefs that prevent you from stopping smoking for good.

Prescription drugs, nicotine gum, patches, and will power alone just cannot do that for you. And, that’s why in the long-term, they simply won’t help you.

Very High Stop-Smoking Success Rated for Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne

Quit Smoking Melbourne Cognitive Hypnotherapy is Your “Quick Fix” For Being Smoke-Free

So, my quit smoking hypnosis Melbourne program will help you see your smoking addiction for what it really is.

With hypnotherapy, I will…

  • Identify your underlying reasons for smoking
  • Resolve your smoking triggers and compulsions
  • Access and reprogram your subconscious mind
  • Immediately stop your cravings
  • Transform you into a smoke-free person

And from within…

  • Your smoking addiction will simply drop away
  • Your smoking withdrawal symptoms will dissolve
  • Plus, your smoking habits will be eliminated… forever
  • Also, you’ll overcome all of those aggravating nicotine cravings.

You really can STOP SMOKING FOR GOOD. Once and for all!

My quit smoking hypnosis program has been used to help thousands of people, to successfully stop smoking for years because…

  • It’s been tried and tested
  • It’s been proven to work

Over my many years in helping clients overcome their smoking habits and other addictions, I’ve now refined this quit smoking hypnosis Melbourne program and the process to absolute perfection.

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne “Post Program” Support

Don’t worry… you can always rely on me to be there for you… guaranteed!

If ever you need help, rest assured… I’m here for you. Parallel to that, You get phone and email support free, included in the program.

It starts with a Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne personalised text message directly from me, within 24-hours after you walk out to track your progress.

Click HERE to view ex-smoker replies!

I stand behind my Melbourne Hypnotherapy Program with my “post-program” support guarantee.


Besides that, you’ll also receive 6 Bonus Audio Mp3s – These “Mind Meditations” are specifically engineered to release daily stress & reinforce your determination to remain as a non-smoker!

Very High Stop-Smoking Success Rated for Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne

What My Other Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne Reviews from Clients Are Saying…

Read these unsolicited testimonials from people who were heavy smokers before coming to me. Now, they are non-smokers, thanks to my quit smoking Melbourne Hypnotherapy Clinic.

You may find the first few testimonials quite interesting, as they are from people who were ONCE SKEPTICAL about a quit smoking hypnosis Melbourne program.


” I wanted to say thank you so much. I haven’t started smoking again much to my surprise.

Honestly, I didn’t really expect the hypnosis to work so I am thrilled and have recommended you to everyone I know who smokes. A friend told me that the habit is as hard to break as the addiction and just thinking about that has helped as well. The session was great, and I am feeling so much better health-wise. Moreover, I feel cleaner and healthier – thanks to you. Thanks for the gift and thanks for your help. I wish that I had found you years ago. “



” Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This was a life-changing decision, and I’m so glad you helped me. I admit, I was slightly skeptical, but it totally worked! I can’t believe it. Not one craving. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. “



” I am extremely happy with the results. Also, it’s great that I have not had a craving at all. I have been in several social environments where there have been smokers and have not been tempted. I can’t tolerate the smell. Life as a non-smoker is great. Thank you Marco for assisting me in giving up this terrible habit. “



” It’s been 3+ Months since the last session, and I am happy to say that I have QUIT SMOKING. Certainly, it was a life-changing experience. Thanks to you. “



” I found my Hypnotherapy Smoking Melbourne sessions with Marco, very helpful and hugely insightful thank you.

It is the first time I have tried Hypnotherapy For Smoking Melbourne, and since the start of my first session, I have found myself with a greater ability to deal with stress, have stopped smoking, and am feeling a lot calmer and in control of the environment around me.

Thank you very much, I will definitely be in contact in the future if and when I seek some more help.”



” I have not smoked thanks to you. Thank you so much. My life is so much better I feel so good thank you again. Marco you’re the Best.”



” Thank you! Since our first (and only) session, I haven’t had a cigarette! It’s been about 2 months now and to be honest, there are days where I think “I want one” but then something comes over me and I take a deep breath and realise I don’t actually need one. I also have used my freedom symbol, but more the breathing and having a glass of water has helped me.

 Now, I would not say it’s a struggle, as I feel SO much better – my skin is healthy. I don’t have a dreadful cough, and I can go for longer bike rides now. There are days when I think about it, but it’s weird because in my mind, I know I just won’t. The best thing I have found since quitting is definitely my health. I also LOVE being a non-smoker! It’s a whole new world! Ha-ha.

 The session was really good – Marco was really thorough and friendly. I also enjoyed the MP3 to listen to afterward. So again, thank you – I have told many friends about you and there is one, in particular, who has asked for your details, which I will pass on. “


“Hi Marco,

My name is Brittany and I came and saw you almost 12 months ago now to help with quitting smoking – which I have and still very much loving being a non-smoker! I just want to say thanks – quitting smoking has changed my life so much.”



” Going well so far. Training really hard and getting fit. Feeling pretty amazing at the moment. I lost my cough, etc. So in short… I’m a non-smoker and loving it. Work is the surprise and no problem at all. The smell of people who’ve just smoked is motivation enough to stay off them. Lol. Forgotten how rank it is. Thanks heaps.”



” I saw you nearly 4 weeks ago just wanted to say thank you. I have not had a smoke since seeing you thanks again.”



” My husband did a session with you for smoking and has had incredible success with it.”



” Marco it has been more than 24 hours now, and I haven’t had a cigarette or bad mood swings. I still cannot believe it or explain how I’m feeling. “



“Hey Marco,

I came to you in January to quit smoking and you have changed my life, I still haven’t started smoking which is something I thought I would never give up. Now I Give Up Smoking Hypnosis.”


Very High Stop-Smoking Success Rated for Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne

Now Say Goodbye to Your Excuses… Forever!

During my many years practicing Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Melbourne, I’ve heard countless excuses why people mistakenly believe they can’t stop smoking. Here are just a few of those excuses…

EXCUSE #1 – It won’t work for me.

As you’ll note in the first few testimonials above, even the skeptics (non-believers) walk away from their quit smoking hypnosis program smoke-free.

Your desire to smoke again will be eliminated. After your subconscious mind is reprogrammed to stop your smoking habit…you WILL stop smoking.

EXCUSE #2 – I’ll get fat and gain weight after quitting.

Clients who successfully complete my quit smoking hypnosis program are more likely to become more active, eat healthier, and actually release unwanted weight loss… naturally and effortlessly.

AND EXCUSE #3 – The cravings will be too difficult to cope with

You won’t have to suffer from cravings or withdrawal symptoms, because there won’t be any. You’ll also receive the “craving destroyer” technique as a back-up tool for you to use. Anytime. Anywhere.

This is your moment. It’s time to get rid of all your excuses. And, now it’s time for action.

You and your loved ones deserve it. Get rid of your smoking habit TODAY. All you need is a single hypnosis session and a couple of MP3s to begin living a much healthier, active, and longer life.

Don’t miss out on what other people take for granted…

  • A totally healthy and happier lifestyle
  • Playing with the grand kids
  • Longer life with less chance of heart attack or stroke
  • Much more money in your pocket

Take this important step today. Reserve your quit smoking hypnosis program NOW!

“Wherever you are in the world I can help you… thanks to the convenience of Skype”

Skype has allowed me to connect with clients from anywhere in the world, which is both convenient for me and you. A Skype session has proved to be just as effective as a one-to-one session with me in my consulting room.

I have now remotely helped many hundreds of people, just like you, and from countries all over the world, to successfully quit smoking forever and all from the comfort of their own homes.

We could even arrange a session while you are at work or wherever you have access to an Internet-connected device. Wherever you feel most comfortable and whenever it is most convenient for you… I can help you.

Please Note:

Your Skype session will be just as private as if we were meeting face to face in my consulting room. And consider this…

  • THE CONVENIENCE OF NOT HAVING TO DRIVE, TRAVEL, OR COMMUTE to and from a therapist’s office (clients with disabilities, agoraphobia, or driving fears love this option). Save yourself the cost and time of commuting.
  • TOTAL PRIVACY AND THE COMFORT of experiencing hypnosis in your home, office, or hotel.
  • EFFECTIVE HYPNOSIS from any location or country with Internet access at any time most convenient for you.
  • MUCH MORE AFFORDABLE HYPNOSIS than a personal visit or session.
  • DEEPER, WIDER HYPNOTIC TRANCES as a result of feeling safer and more secure in the environment of your choice.
  • EASY BOOKING FOR YOUR SKYPE HYPNOSIS SESSION as you would any appointment. Plus, you get more flexibility in scheduling Skype sessions compared to in-person sessions.
  • A GREATER SENSE OF ANONYMITY in private with confidential sessions.

Very High Stop-Smoking Success Rated for Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne

Telephone Quit Smoking Hypnosis Sessions (tele-sessions) For Anyone Without Internet Access

Not having access to the Internet shouldn’t disadvantage you from becoming an ex-smoker. Simply select a telephone session where I will talk to you one-to-one. It is, after all, my voice that is the most effective tool in my hypnotherapy toolkit.

Verbal communication is key to creating a state of hypnosis and is very often much more effective over the phone than in-person, face to face. Again you have the benefit of anonymity and the assurance of familiar and secure surroundings.

Not sure if Skype or telephone is right for you?

Here’s just a couple of Facebook testimonials from satisfied clients…

Tara McCarthy

hypnosis review tara - Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne
I had previously seen Marco face to face many years ago when he lived in Melbourne and found his practice, professionalism and knowledge excellent and had great success in quitting smoking. I had some personal issue that arose and did return to smoking a few years later and knew that when I was ready to quit I would connect with Marco, an expert Hypnotist Melbourne to help me quit…again Smile

 That was 65 days ago and I am so happy to say I am still a non-smoker! I have saved over $900 already and am feeling great. I have not put on any weight and have gained so much of my old motivation to attend my Gym and even started running again.

Marco, a professional hypnotist Melbourne offers a brilliant personalised service and he really took the time to understand what my drivers were for smoking and also for giving up. The session over Skype was just as successful as face to face and I had no problem in being hypnotised through this digital channel.

There are also some excellent tools that Marco provides for ‘after care’ and these are invaluable to the overall long term success and I would recommend following his instructions 100% to get the most benefit.

I have already recommended Marco to many of my friends who smoke and hope that they will take the opportunity to move forward smoke free to live a healthier and happier life.

Lastly If you are even thinking about giving up smoking or battle with other issues then I highly recommend a conversation with Marco, #1 Hypnotist Melbourne to see how he can assist.

Wishing everyone luck!

Tara. Melbourne Australia 

Stephan Keane

stephen hypnosis review
Marco has been an amazing help with problems of addiction I have been faced with, the entire experience was literally mind blowing and I noticed massive changes in such a short time. If you are faced with addictions or problems in your life don’t hesitate to contact him. I have tried many alternative treatments and nothing has compared to the results I have received, the course is worth 10 fold the amount, thank you Marco �

Joshua Smith

joshua smith hypnosis review - Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne
Marco has been an amazing help to me through addiction and dark times. I was initially apprehensive about using Skype as I’d never been to the best hypnotherapist Melbourne

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Cost before but Marco’s holistic approach to eroding addictive habits eliminated any fears I had. Marco took great care in gaining an understanding as to the root cause of my problems through constant contact, questionnaires and reassuring messaging. 3 sessions down and I feel super confident in overcoming my problems. Even if I slip up I know Marco is always there to help bring me back on track.
Thanks Marco Smile Emoticonst

Goce Zdravkovski

goce hypnosis review
Marco helped me quit smoking over 3 years ago now, I haven’t had the urge to start smoking again since then and it doesn’t seem I will in the foreseeable future. Honestly there is no magic bullet, but hypnotherapy is definitely the closest thing to it! Hypnotherapy To Give Up Smoking it a go, you’ll be surprised at how it can change your life.

Irene Mariolis Fagliarone

Irene hypnosis review - Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne
As a person who is very skeptical about trying something like this, I decided to give it a try anyway. I am so glad that I did. Marco is amazing at what he does, and his point of difference is that he genuinely wants to help you achieve your goals. Not only have I noticed positive changes in my habits and mindset, but I am also reconnecting with myself and others. This was all done via FaceTime and it worked so well! Marco is a genuine person and a fantastic therapist, he has made my experience so simple and positive. Definitely worth it. Thank you very much Marco, wishing you all the best. Regards, Irene.

Steven Hine

hypnosis review steven
Its been 5 days since seeing Marco. I am still a non-smoker! Marco is an outstanding professional. I have had very few cravings but they seem to pass quickly. Now, I feel great in the morning when I don’t have to reach for a cigarette as first thing with my coffee. I have also been out with friends having few beers and didn’t even want to smoke. That is amazing to me. Thank you Marco!!

Rosie Marte

hypnosis review Rosie - Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne
It was an amazing experience! Marco is awesome and very professional. The ambiance in his work space is very comfortable and makes you feel relaxed after so many years I can now call myself a non smoker!

LA Lucas

hypnosis review
I have been smoking over 15 years and recently started smoking heavier. Thanks to Marco I have been a non smoker for 2 weeks and feel great!! Well worth the money.. thank you

Those are REAL Facebook testimonials!

Then watch these video testimonials to learn more…

REAL video testimonials from REAL non-smokers after completing my program!

Your 100% Support Guarantee!

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne

Your success and satisfaction are backed by my full support guarantee.

I’m absolutely dedicated to
helping you quit smoking for good. However, if you ever find yourself struggling with quitting smoking after completing my quit smoking hypnosis Melbourne program, you’ll receive FREE GUIDANCE SUPPORT (INCLUDING TWO 60 MINUTE FREE HYPNOSIS PHONE SESSIONS WITH AN ADDITIONAL 30 MINUTE FOLLOW-UP CALL) to reactivate your stop-smoking mind. You won’t find a guarantee like this anywhere else.

Very High Stop-Smoking Success Rate

Always Remember:

By Quitting Smoking Means You’ll Have MORE Money in YOUR Pocket!

Did you realise that with the current prices of a Marlboro pack of 25 cigarettes costing on average $48.50, for a pack-a-day smoker you’ll save more than $177,000 over the next 10 years…if you quit smoking today?

And with the cost of cigarettes expected to increase on average 12.5% every year for the next 3 years…

Prices for a pack of 25 cigarettes, could soar to a staggering… $50 by 2021

Just think what you could buy with that amount of money… and how much poorer you WILL be if you don’t quit.

With an average $18,250 saved every year you could…

  • Upgrade your car or buy a new one!
  • Take fantastic family holidays to anywhere in the world
  • Treat yourself and your family to a whole new wardrobe
  • Put towards your mortgage or your rent
  • Pay off your credit cards
  • Have a total makeover… gym membership…tickets to the AFL Grand Final or whatever else you can think of!

You see, quitting smoking is not only a wise health decision, it’s also an excellent financial decision too.

That’s at least an extra 10K to 20K in your pocket each and every year (based on a 25 cigarette pack-a-day habit).

These Are Limited Time Special Offers!

Why not schedule YOUR Quit Smoking Program Today?

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne

Or simply pick up the phone and…

Call Now - Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne

1300 180 631

Any day. Any time.

Confidential – No obligation – No Risk

My sincerest regards,
Marco Auciello
Melbourne Cognitive Hypnotherapy


P.S: You deserve to be smoke-free. This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. A proven, effective, and solid solution to help you become smoke-free, once and for all. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

P.P.S: Limited Availability. Due to the SPECIAL DISCOUNTED OFFERS, I am expecting my Quit Smoking Hypnosis in Melbourne program to become completely booked due to high demand and from client referrals. So, to avoid disappointment, please be sure to RESERVE YOUR PROGRAM NOW.

P.P.P.S. – Remember! Hypnosis is a safe and all-natural way for you to stop smoking. Unlike nicotine products, there are no health risks or side effects. So, you’ll add years to your life and also save thousands of dollars…each and every year thereafter. Schedule your program now and begin your journey to a new, healthier, and happier life.

Take Your First Step Here

    Please allow 30-45 minutes to talk in a quiet place, away from any visual and auditory distraction.

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