My Detailed Response To Madhuri’s Google Review

Thank you for your call interaction feedback, Madhuri. I write feedback and not review as Madhuri’s statement was not based on her direct experience on having used my therapeutic services. With that out of the way, allow me to explain my consultative calls. All enquiries are assessed with those who are wanting to resolve their issues. I ‘consult’ by asking key questions that help me identify what is the person doing (with thoughts, emotions, and behaviors), that allow the problem(s) to arise and exist.

This procedural questioning does take time, as it helps me understand the root of the problem, what’s causing it to manifest, and what tools would be ideal to help the person. Of course, I answer any questions that a client may have and address any of their concerns. It’s important to place much time in preparing the person for success.

Now with any strategic questioning, this can extend a phone call.  As it’s standard practice for these consultative calls to run an entire duration of 30 minutes at times. This helps me determine whether or not I can help the person achieve their goals and those who understand this, appreciate the time and energy I take for this. As I appreciate them for taking the time to willingness in seeing how my services can help.

This call however, was a little different.

I wasn’t getting a strong impression that Madhuri has enough motivation to resolve her issues. In hindsight, this error could have been avoided by deepening my questioning skills, making sure the person does have not only the motivation but also the right motivation in place, so goals don’t become these “hollow victories”. I did make the attempt in increasing that motivating by asking better questions to have stronger reasons on why she wanted to resolve her issues. When asked is this was more aligned with her desire for change, she agreed that was. She stated she can see this working for her. Upon me asking if she wanted to move forward with it, she then happily agreed and proceeded to book in for the session.

Now with all bookings, I take a small deposit as it secures them. Because the number #1 reason why sessions fail is because a client does not show up.

By implementing this strategy, it helps in reduce the number of ‘no shows’. It also makes it’s fair for someone else book in with me. It also speaks volumes when a person is willing to invest upfront, it demonstrates their desire for a better life and the believe I can help them succeed in achieving that better life. This level of trust builds a positive attitude and is indicative that the session/program will more likely be successful.

That being said, with Madhuri, she simply refused. And wanted time to ‘think about it’ even though she had set a date and time for the session. Therefore, based on these key drivers, she gave the impression she was going to sabotage her session by not showing up. Therefore, I believed it was best to cancel the planned session because she wasn’t ready and perhaps, had some thinking to do. The time invested and the energy used for this call seemed ‘wasteful’, however it was wrong for me to have said that. If I did say that Madhuri, then I’m truly sorry. It was never my intention to be un-empathetic or unprofessional.

In hindsight, the call could have been handled better with my response. It was a combination of factors that led to the outcome described above. Furthermore, I was feeling quite tired in my energy levels during the consultative call which had reduced the patience threshold. Hopefully this demonstrates, like any person, I certainly have real flaws and make mistakes. But like any real person, there is more to me than the mistakes or flaws that come out from time to time. Still, if Madhuri is willing to give me a second chance, and is willing to invest in herself, then I am willing to proceed in bringing my ‘best self’ to the session. Thank you all for reading, Marco – MCH

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