My Detailed Response To Brooke’s 2015 Google Review

Whilst I usually respond to all of my reviews, I felt this was important tp publish my response to a 2015 Google review in more detail as I take any sort of negative feedback very seriously.

Due to privacy reasons, I won’t disclose Brooke’s specific reasons for wanting to quit smoking. After further diagnosis, however, I concluded that why she hadn’t stopped smoking was because her reasons to quit were not aligned with her core values in life. It was more of a case of “I should quit smoking” rather than “I want to quit smoking.”

A “should,” when carrying out a task to full completion, is conflicted. It evokes reluctance to the task at hand, and that reluctance will put up a battle even if that change is ultimately positive and healthy for the individual. Because of this conflict, Brooke found the immediate satisfaction from smoking far outweighed her long term dissatisfaction from smoking.

Now, lets examine her review more closely.

Brooke states that the experience for her was “quite traumatic” and “disheartened,” yet she claims I advised my treatment is a “one size fits all.”

I will never make that type of admission simply because it is not a belief I subscribe to. If that were true, then wouldn’t more reviews be published that depicts a similar experience she encountered? Put simply, my service is not “one size fits all” as it’s highly personalized and dynamic in handling the client’s roadblocks that lead them to a successful outcome.

Furthermore, I’ll never blame a client for an unsuccessful attempt in achieving a desired outcome as this contradicts my philosophy and teachings as well. I’m more into resolving the problem and finding out what is causing it, what its intention is, and what is it trying to achieve. 

Behaviors are driven by emotions and these emotions have a fundamental purpose, a message, or some lesson to be learnt. With this insight, working together with a client will help eliminate negative behaviors or emotions yet, at the same time, satisfying their original intention.

As I mentioned to Brooke one day after her treatment, we don’t feel negative emotions unless there is a reason. It’s our duty to find out what that is, otherwise we will suffer as a result. Since most people don’t want to suffer, they’ll turn to something that will give a relief. Even if it’s temporary, it’s still a temporary relief. 

But does this approach resolve what’s really causing the problem?

Think of it as a boat with a hole and water is slowly flowing in. You may have a bucket to empty the water repeatedly but eventually it will tire you out. The rising water will sink the boat.

With each quit smoking enquiry I receive, I run through a series of questions to assess the client. This personalized approach allows me to understand their conditions, their expectations, their fears, and their concerns better.

This transparent communication between client and practitioner will only increase the likelihood to a satisfactory outcome — and it does.

From my research, the result of this approach to smoking cessation is high (based on client feedback and follow ups). With all of my smoker clients, I honor my word by aiding them with any problems or setbacks they encounter post-session. Brooke rebuffed this ongoing service despite my many attempts to help achieve the intended outcome. 

Perhaps the decision of the session not being successful was made before she arrived to her appointment then justifying the outcome with reasons mentioned in her review.

Whatever the case may be, I do wish her the very best in quitting this bad habit as we all know it has many dire consequences. And Brooke, if you are reading this, I still stand by my word to help you make that transition from being a smoker to a non-smoker. All the best, Marco – MCH

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