I took the liberty of watching this movie
when it was launched last year at the IMAX Theatre
sitting in the FRONT ROW.
Allow me to share something with you…
it was a sensory-overload.
A real visual-visceral tour de force.
It had so many themes, metaphors about life,
death, rebirth, grief, regret and letting go…
things that go beyond the scope of this message.
there is one area I will focus on about Gravity:
Gravity. Or zero gravity rather.
Was struck me about the movie was how it put
you (the viewer) as the main protagonist
(Sandra Bullock) seeing the world through her
eyes, hearing through her ears, breathing
through her lungs.
Our planet comes alive with
lush colours and rich terrain.
Along with weather patterns, sunsets
and sunrises…earth is viewed as an
organic entity.
The music from the film also rocketed
like a soundtrack to your own life.
The ups and the downs of emotions.
It’s amazing how an experience of a movie
can take you on a journey of a lifetime,
through clusters of different emotions.
It’s no wonder Gravity pulled in 7 Oscars at the
86th Academy Awards in Los Angeles.
Does this remind you of anything?
Most of my clients experience some kind of
“hypnotic phenomenon” during hypnosis.
A feeling of weightlessness or extreme weight.
This could happen with their eyes close or
Their limbs can be stuck to their body, or even
dissolve, vanish, and floating again with their
eyes open or close.
They can feel “awake” as a mind but not as a
body. Meaning, they can casually talk to me in
trance whilst their body is doing “something
else.” It’s this interplay between the two that
fascinates me.
The way I go about it is very dynamic
and intuitive.
The feeling of gravity can also be used as a
metaphor for life. Think of someone you love
or care for.
Notice initially,
where your attention goes,
your energy flows in that direction.
As you think about them,
something happens to your body.
Your emotions change but nothing has changed
in the “real world.”
So in reality nothing is really happening,
but because the brain has been placed
in a different context, a “different world”,
something inside of you has changed
and you feel better.
It should not have any effect
on you at all. But it does.
Think about it…
The person remains as distant
or as close as before.
However, the mere thinking of them effects
the brain in such a way that it convinces
the body that this experience is indeed “real.”
This person may not physically
be with you, but somehow you
“feel” their presence.
This is the power of thought.
And harnessing this type of thinking
through my unique approach to
cognitive coaching and hypnotherapy
allows you to be elevated into a
higher orbit of success.
Sometime ago,
I have filmed willing candidates to take
part of my “hypnotic experiments.”
Filming willing subjects will show viewers who
are intrigued, fascinated, pessimistic, afraid or
in awe of experiencing hypnosis for
Look out for these videos
in the future.
Great quote I heard recently:
“Hypnosis is not magic —
it just feels like it.”
Amen to that!
To your launch into success,
Marco – MCH