I thought I share some feedback I received
from a client who had been battling his
gambling addiction for years. It reads:
“My experience with the gambling program
has been so positive, and changed my life
in such a good way I strongly recommend
it to anyone who knows deep down their gambling
is becoming a problem.
“For the last 8 months I have been living
pay check to pay check while making sure
all my bills were payed the rest I’d gambled,
until I went through the program it has been
only one week but already I have $500
in my account I wouldn’t normally have.
“After the program I have not had a
thought of gambling its not even on my to-do-list
its like my mind doesn’t know what it is anymore.
“Although being early days I think the program
is going to go a long way in accomplishing my goals
as the obvious reason would be a lot more money
in my bank account, which will enable me to
reach my goals of travelling and getting married.
“I’d also like to talk about the long term goals of being
happily married and not having to lie
about where money is being spent and having kids
where there’s always going be food on the table and
clothes on their back.
“Being a gambler I’ve seen where
some end up and it’s not a good place:
Divorce, visiting your kids on weekends…
hence the reason I made the choice to do the program
is a long term goal of being a non gambler
and a provider for my family.
“I think the best way to answer,
was it worth the money I paid,
would be to picture yourself in a boat
in the middle of an ocean
your standing there and in your hand
you have a 1 litre bottle of water,
the bottle signifies the payment I paid
for the program in comparison to the ocean
of money over a lifetime I’d loose.
“It definitely was worth the money I paid for it.”
I would definitely recommend the program
to anyone struggling with gambling.”
There’s a message within all of this:
Like Robert, you could be “going a long way
in accomplishing your goals” by reaching
your own pursuit of happiness.
Well, Robert invested in 4 sessions
of hypnotherapy.
You do NOT need to invest 4 sessions in
beginning the process of change.
All you need to do is start.
Just start.
Come to one session.
Listen to any recordings given to you.
Read any relevant material sent to you.
Even once.
The result: You can begin making very large
positive changes by getting more out of life than
you thought possible within a very short
period of time.
With my unique blend of hypnotherapy and
cognitive coaching, you can…
– beat a bad habit you’ve been fighting
– having a sense of personal control
– feel more calm and in-charge
– overcome resistance and procrastination
– realise your full potential
You can even help someone else in making
a BIG CHANGE by sending this email to them.
Whatever the case may be.
Be like Robert.
Invest in yourself.
The return will be more than worth it!
Marco – MCH